ladd Alan LADD
* 03.09.1913, Hot Springs, Arkansas, USA † 29.01.1964, Palm Springs, California, USA

ab 1932 beim Film – als Komparse und Kleindarsteller * Radioarbeit * 1939 erste größere Rolle in Rulers of the Sea * 1942 Vertrag bei Paramount * Beginn seiner Starkarriere mit This Gun for Hire * Gründung einer eigenen Rundfunkstation (1948) und der Produktionsfirma Jaguar Productions (1954) * 1954-59 Vertrag bei Warner Bros. * stirbt mit 50 an einer Überdosis Schlaftabletten in Alkohol * Genres: Drama / Abenteuer / Western / film-noir

"I have the face of an ageing choirboy and the build of an undernourished featherweight. If you can figure out my success on the screen you're a better man than I"

"A small boy's idea of a tough guy." Raymond Chandler


Freshman Year (1938-USA * Frank McDonald / student)
Rulers of the Sea (Herrscher der Meere, 1939-USA * Frank Lloyd / Colin Farrell)
Hitler - Beast of Berlin / Beasts of Berlin / Goose Step (1939-USA * Sherman Scott [=Sam Newfield] / Karl)
Those Were the Days (1939/40-USA * J. Theodore Reed / Keg Rearick)
The Light of Western Stars (1940-USA * Lesley Selander / Danny)
In Old Missouri (1940-USA * Frank McDonald / landlord's son)
Captain Caution (Überfall auf die Olive Branch, 1940-USA * Richard Wallace / Newton)
Cross Country Romance (1940-USA * Frank Woodruff / Williams)
Meet the Missus (1940-USA * Malcolm St. Clair / boyfriend)
Her First Romance (1940-USA * Edward Dmytryk / John Gilman)
Great Guns (Dick und Doof - Schrecken der Kompanie, 1941-USA * Monty Banks / Soldat)
Petticoat Politics (1941-USA * Erle C. Kenton / boyfriend)
The Black Cat (1941-USA * Albert S. Rogell / Richard Hartley)
Gangs, Inc. / Paper Bullets / Crime, Inc. (1941-USA * Phil Rosen / Jimmy Kelly/Bill Dugan)
Joan of Paris (1941-USA * Robert Stevenson / Baby)
This Gun for Hire (Die Narbenhand, 1941/42-USA * Frank Tuttle / Philip Raven)
The Glass Key (Der gläserne Schlüssel, 1942-USA * Stuart Heisler / Ed Beaumont)
Lucky Jordan (Gangsterfalle, 1942-USA * Frank Tuttle / Lucky Jordan)
Star Spangled Rhythm (1942-USA * George Marshall / er selbst)
China (1943-USA * John Farrow / Mr. Jones)
And Now Tomorrow (Der Morgen gehört uns, 1944-USA * Irving Pichel / Merek Vance)
Salty O'Rourke (Gauner und Gangster, 1945-USA * Raoul Walsh / Salty O'Rourke)
Duffy's Tavern (1945-USA * Hal Walker / er selbst)
Calcutta (Kalkutta, 1945/46-USA * John Farrow / Neale Gordon)
The Blue Dahlia (Die blaue Dahlie, 1946-USA * George Marshall / Johnny Morrison)
O.S.S. (1946-USA * Irving Pichel / John Martin)
Two Years before the Mast (In Ketten um Kap Horn, 1946-USA * John Farrow / Charles Stewart)
Variety Girl (1947-USA * George Marshall / er selbst)
Wild Harvest (Rauhe Ernte, 1947-USA * Tay Garnett / Joe Madigan)
Saigon (Schmuggler von Saigon, 1947-USA * Leslie Fenton / Larry Briggs)
Beyond Glory (1948-USA * John Farrow / Rockwell "Rocky" Gilman)
Whispering Smith (Der Todesverächter, 1948-USA * Leslie Fenton / Luke Smith)
The Great Gatsby (Der große Gatsby, 1948/49-USA * Elliott Nugent / Jay Gatsby)
Chicago Deadline (Todesfalle von Chikago, 1949-USA * Lewis Allen / Ed Adams)
Appointment with Danger (Inspektor Goddard, 1949-USA * Lewis Allen / Al Goddard)
Captain Carey, U.S.A. (1949/50-USA * Mitchell Leisen / Webster Carey)
Branded (Das Brandmal, 1950-USA * Rudolph Maté / Choya)
Red Mountain (Die Hölle der roten Berge, 1950/51-USA * William Dieterle / Brett Sherwood
Thunder in the East (Donner in Fern-Ost, 1951-USA * Charles Vidor / Steve Gibbs)
Shane (Mein großer Freund Shane, 1951-USA * George Stevens / Shane)
The Iron Mistress (Im Banne des Teufels, 1952-USA * Gordon Douglas / Jim Bowie)
Desert Legion (Der Legionär der Sahara, 1952-USA * Joseph Pevney / Paul Lartal)
Botany Bay (Das Schiff der Verurteilten, 1953-USA * John Farrow / Hugh Tallant)
The Red Beret (1953-GB * Terence Young / Canada)
Hell Below Zero (Hölle unter Null, 1953-GB * Mark Robson / Duncan Craig)
The Black Knight (Unter schwarzem Visier, 1954-GB * Tay Garnett / John)
Saskatchewan (Saskatschewan, 1954-USA * Raoul Walsh / Thomas O'Rourke)
Drum Beat (Der einsame Adler, 1954-USA * Delmer Daves / Johnny MacKay)
The McConnell Story (Wolkenstürmer, 1955-USA * Gordon Douglas / Joseph C. McConnell, Jr)
Hell on Frisco Bay (Blutige Straße, 1955-USA * Frank Tuttle / Steve Rollins)
Santiago (Geheime Fracht, 1956-USA * Gordon Douglas / Cash Adams)
The Big Land (Herrscher über weites Land, 1956-USA * Gordon Douglas / Chad Morgan)
# Boy on a Dolphin (Der Knabe auf dem Delphin, 1956-USA * Jean Negulesco ... James Calder) (Roman von David Divine)
The Deep Six (Durchbruch bei Morgenrot, 1957-USA * Rudolph Maté / Alec Austen)
The Proud Rebel (Der stolze Rebell, 1958-USA * Michael Curtiz / John Chandler)
The Badlanders (Geraubtes Gold, 1958-USA * Delmer Daves / Peter van Hoek)
# The Man in the Net (Das tödliche Netz, 1958-USA * Michael Curtiz ... John Hamilton) (Roman von Patrick Quentin) (06-08; 5904)
Guns of the Timberland (Er kam, sah und siegte, 1959-USA * Robert D. Webb / Jim Hadley)
All the Young Men (Und der Herr sei uns gnädig, 1959/60-USA * Hall Bartlett / Kincaid)
One Foot in Hell (Vergeltung ohne Gnade, 1960-USA * James B. Clark / Mitch Barrett)
Orazi e Curiazi (Die verlorene Legion, 1961-I * Ferdinando Baldi / Orazi [Horazius])
13 West Street (Der Tiger ist unter uns, 1961-USA * Philip Leacock / Walt Sherill)
The Carpetbaggers (Die Unersättlichen, 1963-USA * Edward Dmytryk / Nevada Smith)


Beverley Linet: Ladd. The Life, the Legend, the Legacy of Alan Ladd. New York: Arbor House, 1979
Marilyn Henry, Ron DeSourdis: The Films of Alan Ladd. Secaucus: Citadel Press, 1981
Peter Kranzpiller: Alan Ladd. Bergatreute: Eppe, 1997

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